Spotting Original Chikankari: An Expert Guide

spotting original chikankariChikankari embroidery a timeless and intricate art form that originated in India, known for its delicate and graceful designs. In recent times, machine chikan has gained popularity, but it's important to understand the differences between machine-produced and authentic handmade chikankari.

 Artistry and Craftsmanship:

 Authentic chikankari is a labor-intensive craft. Skilled artisans hand-embroider each motif, creating unique and intricate designs. The process involves a high level of craftsmanship and artistry.

 In contrast, machine made is mass-produced using automated embroidery  machines. While it may copy the appearance of handmade one, it lacks the personal touch and artistry of skilled artisans.


Each piece of  handmade piece is one-of-a-kind. Artisans add their creativity into every stitch, making each garment or textile unique.

Machine-produced chikan, by its nature, creates identical patterns, resulting in a lack of individuality and uniqueness.

 Texture and Feel of chikankari:

The texture of authentic is soft and delicate. The hand-embroidered stitches create a subtle three-dimensional effect that cannot be replicated by machines. It has a quality that appeals to the senses.

Machine-made lacks the depth and texture of handmade embroidery, often feeling flat and less inviting to touch.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations:

 Traditional chikankari supports local artisans and their livelihoods. It is often produced in ethical and sustainable ways, respecting the environment and communities.

Mass production of machine made may not always stick to ethical and sustainable practices,exploiting labor and contributing to environmental issues.

 Price difference:

 Handmade chikan tends to be more expensive due to the labor-intensive nature of the craft and the skilled artisans involved.

Machine-produced one is usually more affordable but sacrifices the authenticity of the handmade art.

Summing up:

While machine chikan may offer affordability and accessibility, it cannot replicate the rich cultural heritage, craftsmanship, and uniqueness of  handmade embroidery.  Choosing between the two depends on your budget, values, and appreciation for the artistry and tradition that comes with handmade art.